MPDV HYDRA MES Information Management

Information Management in HYDRA X

Your information always available

In a state-of-the-art Smart Factory, information must always be at hand where it's needed.  This may be right at the machine, but also in a meeting or mobile on a smartphone. A transparent and efficient communication must also be ensured. mApps of the HYDRA X Information Management category provide the necessary range of functions for this purpose.

How you can benefit from our Information Management

  • Avoiding media disruptions by consequently digitizing
  • Reducing paper consumption in production
  • Increasing the ability to react by a targeted communication
  • More transparency by documenting and tracing measures
  • Standardization of processes by workflows

Quick response to malfunctions

For employees to be able to react quickly to malfunctions or unexpected events, they must first be aware of them. A workflow-supported measure management detects defined events and processes them according to configured specifications. The Information Management informs employees about the violation of tolerance limits of a process value. An automatic maintenance order is also created and scheduled as soon as a significant deterioration in the scrap rate on a machine becomes apparent. HYDRA X can even be used to map individual communication between employees where the focus is on transparency and efficiency.

Digital Production Meeting

Last but not least, digital visualization of production meetings is also part of a modern information management. Templates and direct access to evaluations are used to make meetings more efficient.

mApps within HYDRA X Information Managements

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