Künstliche Intelligenz KI Smart Factory

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the Smart Factory

How is artifial intelligence used in the Smart Factory?

The use of AI in manufacturing is a game changer and can offer a decisive competitive advantage. AI in the Smart Factory is about analyzing and predicting events as well as planning orders and resources. Together with the subsidiary AIMES, MPDV offers smart applications with artificial intelligence. They help transform your production into a Smart Factory and implement Industry 4.0 in daily routines.

AI-based solutions are an essential factor in the manufacturing IT of the future

~ Thorsten Strebel –Managing Director at AIMES

Why is AI a real benefit for the Smart Factory?

The success of artificial intelligence is based on three elements:

  • The need to analyze large amounts of data in an automated way increases exponentially.
  • The amount of available data is growing every day, which makes it almost impossible to manually analyze this data.
  • The required computing power is available and affordable today.

Fields of application for AI in manufacturing

In the Smart Factory, artificial intelligence is being applied in three major areas: analysis, prediction, and planning. The standardized information model of the Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP) creates a consistent level of data interpretation. It is thus possible to provide AI standard applications that our customers can implement and use with little effort.

AI-based standard applications of MPDV

The AI Suite from MPDV bundles a wide range of applications that use artificial intelligence to make life easier in everyday manufacturing and ensure greater competitiveness.

Find out more here.

Would you like to learn more about artificial intelligence (AI) at MPDV? We are happy to help you.

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