Equipment Management

MPDV Mikrolab GmbH

All-around tool management

Tools and other equipment are the most important resources of the shop floor, apart from machines. The mApp Equipment Management is a tool management software and keeps users informed about the current status of resources. The mApp also allows you to track the history of resources.

The mApp includes functions to edit all resources and to collect data about how resources are used. The mApp also provides overviews on current statuses and evaluations on past data. You can post orders along with the used tools and assign the collected times and cycles. You can also use the mApp to relocate resources and to define automatic notifications for specific events.

Optional functions

  • Use multi-part resources and resource lists
  • Manage the parts per cycle and cavity details for multi-cavity molds (e.g. injection molding)
  • Create continuous electronic tool logs and resource histories
  • Visualize resource schedules in graphics

Your benefits

Use the tool management to always monitor resources and to optimize resource utilization and maintenance.

Technical information

The mApp Equipment Management is part of the HYDRA X category Resource Management.

The mApp uses and stores data in the Virtual Production Reality (ViPR) of MPDV's Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP).

Equipment Management in the MIP ecosystem

This mApp adds tools, equipment and other resources to the digital production processes in the Smart Factory. MPDV also offers the following mApps:

#processoptimization #cip #tools #hydra