Production Process Analysis

MPDV Mikrolab GmbH

Production Process Analysis with collected process data

Stable processes are essential in the Smart Factory. Use the mApp Production Process Analysis to evaluate and systematically analyze historic process data. The mApp analyzes the data in graphic or table form. Analyses refer to machines or tags (e.g. serial numbers).

Use the mApp to perform first pass yield evaluations for articles analyzing the throughput yield generated in a process. You can also analyze sequences to compare how parameters of different process sequences develop.

Optional functions

  • Correlate process data with orders and operations

Your benefits

Use the process data analysis to learn more about your processes and to identify variations that might affect quality. You will get a better understanding of the cause-effect relationships in production processes and will be able to better control your processes.

Technical information

The mApp Production Process Analysis is part of the HYDRA X Resource Management category. 

The mApp uses data of the Virtual Production Reality (ViPR) of MPDV's Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP).

Production Process Analysis in the MIP ecosystem

The mApp uses data from process data collection in order to analyze process data. For this purpose and to collect order data, MPDV also provides the following mApps:

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