AI-based Setup Time Prediction

MPDV Mikrolab GmbH

Predict setup times with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) methods make it possible to analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns and make predictions based on this information. The mApp AI-based Setup Time Prediction identifies factors influencing the setup time (e.g. combining different machines, tools or material properties) from historical order data. This information is then used to make a forecast as accurate as possible on the duration of the setup time to be scheduled.

The mApp compares the predicted setup time with the planned setup time and the actual setup time per operation providing you with detailed information. You can then intuitively evaluate the differences by visualizing the data graphically with line and bar charts. The results are presented either by workplace, by day or as an overall analysis for the selected period.

The mApp also calculates setup time ratios. For example, this can be the number of setup operations per day where the predicted setup time is closer to the actual setup time than the planned setup time.

Your benefits

You receive setup time predictions that you can use to plan much more realistically and at the same time avoid unnecessary buffer times and increase your productivity.

Technical information

The mApp AI-based Capacity Utilization Analysis is part of the HYDRA X category Resource Management and part of the AI Suite.

The mApp uses data of the Virtual Production Reality (ViPR) of MPDV's Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP).

AI-based Setup Time Prediction in the MIP ecosystem

The mApp uses collected order data as the basis for predicting setup times. MPDV also offers the following mApps for this purpose:

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