Shop Floor Monitor

MPDV Mikrolab GmbH

Graphical display of the machinery

Many companies want an overview of essential workplace and manufacturing information. The mApp Shop Floor Monitor provides graphical overviews for this purpose - both for the production manager and for large monitors in production as an andon board.

In an editor you can create your own layouts for organizational units (e.g. halls, divisions, etc.). You decide whether you want to display your production schematically, with pictograms or photorealistically. Different machine and order data are displayed in real time by configuration. These include the machine status, KPIs, the logged on order and the order progress. The mApp Shop Floor Monitor can be operated both as a web application and in kiosk mode.

Your benefits

You can see at once what is currently going on in your production with the Shop Floor Monitor.

Technical information

The mApp Shop Floor Monitor is part of the HYDRA X category Resource Management

The mApp uses data of the Virtual Production Reality (ViPR) of MPDV's Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP).

Shop Floor Monitor in the MIP ecosystem

The mApp uses data from the machine data collection and the shop floor data collection to graphically display the machinery. MPDV also offers the following mApps:

#shopfloormanagement #dsfm #realtime #mdc #hydra