AI-based Setup Rate Analysis

MPDV Mikrolab GmbH

Analyzing Setup Rates with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Countless combinations of machine, article, tool, material, and other resources in manufacturing result in a vast amount of data. Artificial intelligence can be used to analyze this data. The mApp AI-based Setup Rate Analysis uses this data to analyze factors that have a positive or negative impact on the setup rate of a machine. Optimization opportunities lie dormant because the less you have to set up a machine, the more production capacity there is.

The mApp shows the impact of several resources or combinations of them on setup rates as well as the temporal impact of a certain combination. The mApp thereby checks the effectiveness of optimization measures.

Your benefits

You can optimize the setup rate of your machines based on a comprehensive database. Artificial intelligence helps you to analyze and interpret the data systematically.

Technical information

The mApp AI-based Setup Rate Analysis is part of the Resource Management category of HYDRA X and of the AI Suite.

The mApp uses data of the Virtual Production Reality (ViPR) of MPDV's Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP)

AI-based Setup Rate Analysis in the MIP ecosystem

Collecting and evaluating machine and order data is one of the basic functions of manufacturing IT. In addition to the AI-based analysis, MPDV offers the following mApps:

#analytics #künstlicheintelligenz #aisuite #smartfactory #bigdata #hydra