
Contech Software & Engineering GmbH

The Analyser® ensures robust products & stable processes through predictive analytics & maintenance. It supports employees in their decisions & saves resources, time & (manufacturing) costs.

The Analyser® detects error patterns & their causes fully automatically and issues corresponding measures & recommendations for action. Thus, all employees can take targeted action within seconds instead of initiating cost-intensive production stops. The AI system permanently minimizes scrap, rework costs & warranty risks.

The Analyser® can create a prediction model for your product/process. This allows all product & process parameters to be controlled in such a way that quality features are systematically achieved. This creates sustainable quality & assurance in series production & new product launches. In addition to a higher material efficiency, manufacturing costs of 10-30% can be saved.

Only with our patented algorithm it is possible to analyze curve data of your products & processes fully automatically. This method offers a reliable error detection & accurate prediction models for predictive analysis & maintenance.

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#MachineLearning #PredictiveAnalytics #PredictiveMaintenance #DataMining #Software