Smart Factory Glossar

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Future Concept MES 4.0 - Smart Factory Glossary

The concept MES 4.0 from MPDV is a visionary glimpse into the future of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). The concept reflects innovative approaches from Industry 4.0 and incorporates them into manufacturing IT. Typical fields of action for an MES have been supplemented by the following areas in the Future Concept MES 4.0:

  • Interoperability
  • Flexibility
  • Management support
  • Horizontal integration
  • Online capability
  • Mobility
  • Integrative data management
  • Decentralization
  • Unified shop connectivity
  • Big Data
  • Security by design
  • Human reliability

MPDV introduced the Future Concept MES 4.0 in 2013, when the term Industry 4.0 became firmly established and well-known to a wide audience. MPDV developed the four-stage Smart Factory model as an implementation concept from these findings.

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